Monday, February 1, 2010


Tuesday is a sweet little girl in my Wednesday Nite Out class and my Sunday School class. She is adorable. No, she really is. She will keep you on your toes and let you know when things aren't up to snuff.
So the other Sunday morning I could not be there so I asked sweet Janice to take my place. She reported that Tuesday walked hesitantly into class and swiftly asked "Where's Teacher?" Janice reported her assignment as substitute and Tuesday regretfully sat. After the class was half way completed Janice said that she felt things were going very well. Tuesday pipes up to dash her hopes. "You know, Teacher is a lot more fun than you are."


  1. HA! Poor Janice. Ah well. We can't all be a Mary Ellen.

  2. You posted that I just roll and I have too or I would make myself go crazy! :) Poor little Tuesday. She loves you!
    It was great seeing you. Take some time and come to my house for a morning and we'll do lunch. Theres a nice little place here. Luv Ya!
