Sunday, October 23, 2011

The next step

So I have decided to let go.
Let go of all I had, all that was, all that I used to be.
Let go of all that I thought I had.
Let go of how I thought things were going to be and how I thought I wanted things to be.
Too many times I have decided that things weren't good enough or met the standard or the guidelines that I created in my head without ever asking if that was the very best for me or for those I love.
If God is not the author of my next step then what does the next step represent?  Only my way.  And sometimes that works out because of grace alone.
So I have decided once again to let go.  My mantra of 2011 is ever present.
Let Go.
I take the plunge, the leap into the void of unknown and trust that what is next will catch me like a tender grass and allow me better and bigger than I could have ever dreamed. 
Let's face it.  What I had planned was pretty darn safe.  Many safety nets and very little risk.  It seems that I trust the best when I have no idea what is coming and then I am very open to instruction and listening very close to any shred of inspiration.  And then I will go because there is nowhere else to go.
It is beautiful and excruciating how this process unfolds for me.  Kicking and screaming (literally) and pitching fits for what will never be again, what perhaps never was.
I am so excited to trust God in this fashion.  Never before have I trusted to this level before. 
So I step into the next place one step at a time aware of God's guidance, aware that I don't have to know steps in advance.  Only the ones placed before me with trust in every footprint knowing that I am safe.

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