Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Sweet Pea Update

Earlier I told of the kitty that started coming around and has learned our feeding times.  Now it seems everyday she gets more comfortable with us.  This warms my heart since winter is coming.  Perhaps she will trust us enough to allow us to provide some kind of shelter for her.  Now she shows up around 7:00 and whereas 9:00 was the appointed treat time, she has upped it quite a bit. 
Now we can sit with her as she eats and as she eats she keeps one eye on the feeder at all times ready to run from whatever threat her instincts tell her might be there.  Ever so closely we have been able to be.
Three days ago I held my breath when my hand brushed the top of her.  As she went down 2 steps she looked at me as if to say, "Do you mind?"  She keeps coming closer and I am realizing that patience in love is always a good thing.  She reminds me that some have been so abused and misused and seem invisible that the mere touch is a threat.  These are the ones that I must be patient with and know that their world is filled with pain and going without whereas mine has been gratefully filled with comfort and reassurance. 

To those that are in my life that God has planted I will be patient.  My love that comes deep from the heart of heaven can wait for you to be able to let my love in.  I will not push.  I will give you room.  But know that even from over here I love you deeply. 

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