Saturday, January 15, 2011

My New Addition

We have a new guest in the house.  It came in a 224 lb. box and yesterday it was assembled.  It is metal and big and has a backlit display.  It will only move if I move it.  It will cause me to sweat and move if I allow it.  Otherwise it will just stand there looking at me with its stationary gaze wondering when I will make it do it's thing.
It is an elliptical.
It is beautiful.
I am certain sometimes I will think it is not beautiful.
But today I love it.
It is so easy and simple.  I get up.  I put on my shoes.  I plug in my ipod and turn on the fan.  I have my TV remote close in case I want to watch something.  And then I sweat.  And then I can be complete.  I didn't have to drive anywhere or put on my coat.  I don't have to pay a gym fee and no one has to see me on it.  But you can if you want.  You can come over anytime between 5:00 am and 6:30 am and sometime in there I will be on it. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! good for you and the ipod! I won't come and watch you but I'm thinking about it in my mind. Kudos!
